Date: August 1, 2020
Subject: Julibrary Crowd Source Library
If you’re reading this, hope you’re safe and doing well.
Julibrary is an annual crowd source sound effect library where field recordings and sound designers from all over aim to create or capture a sound every day for the month of July. If you submit a minimum number of sounds, you get everyone’s for the week. So this month of sounds will have netted roughly 160GB of audio, over 3012 files, and covering almost 60 hours of playback.
This was my first year participating and it was a great experience. Each week had a general theme prompt;
Week 1 - Water, Week 2 - Air, Week 3 - Human, Week 4 - Metal, and Week 5 - Friction.
I tried to avoid overuse of synthetically designed sounds, as well as aimless field recording.
Happy to say that I was able to get a sound each day, while still balancing work at EA. It was difficult, and it definitely helps you to fine tune your recording setup and editing. But below is a random capture with a bit of everything from the month of July.
I love audio, but I’ll definitely be enjoying a few nights of not trying to export audio and embed metadata at 1am.